Partner Yoga - Book, WorkshopsOur book: Yoga with a Friend In Yoga with a Friend you will learn breathing techniques to facilitate tranquility together, and partner poses that develop trust and mutual support. You will develop strong non-verbal communication skills as you work together to achieve balance. You will amaze yourselves as you accomplish the poses. See more about Yoga with a Friend including inside pages. See us practicing partner poses and talk about the book in this video You can buy this book now at Lulu.com Announcing a special Valentine's weekend workshop at La Tasse Gamine in Montréal Picture this: you and your partner spend 90 minutes learning partner yoga poses and breathing practices in a class space while a child educator watches and entertains your kids in the adjacent café.
On announce un cours spécial pour la fin de semaine de
la Saint Valentin à La
Tasse Gamine à Montréal
About partner yoga workshops Partner yoga is for everyone - we define "partner" as someone you are close to: friend, roommate, spouse, life partner, sibling, parent, child, etc. Practice this unique form of yoga where you and your partner work together to accomplish all the poses. Partner yoga fully integrates both partners into every pose, sometimes doing the same pose together, and sometimes practicing complimentary poses that intertwine. Partner yoga teaches us interdependency and trust, along with laughter and joy. Along with poses, we explore some breathing techniques and discussion on the application of yoga principles to all of your relationships. This is fun, challenging, and deeply rewarding. À propos des cours de yoga partenaire Le yoga avec une partneaire est pour tout le monde. Nous définissons «partenaire» comme quelqu'un que vous êtes à proximité de: un ami, un conjoint, un frère, une sœur, un parent, un enfant, etc. Pratiquez cette forme unique de yoga en travaillant ensemble pour accomplir toutes les poses. Le yoga avec une partenaire intègre pleinement les deux partenaires dans chaque pose, faisant parfois le même pose ensemble, et en pratiquant parfois des poses qui se entrelacent. Le yoga avec une partneaire nous enseigne interdépendance et la confiance, avec le rire et la joie. Aussi, nous explorons certaines techniques de respiration et de discussion sur l'application des principes de yoga pour toutes vos relations. C'est amusant, stimulant, et profondément enrichissante. Mailing list: Please join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on classes and workshops. |
© 2007 - 2015 8th Element Yoga, a division of 8th Element Recreation LLC Punk Rock Yoga® and Shake Rattle & Pose® are registered trademarks. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Photos by Alex Crick, Christopher Williams and Todd Stedl. All rights reserved. Web site design by Kimberlee Jensen Stedl. |