Yoga for Scuba Divers - Book, Workshops,
Free Brochure, and Scuba Diving
and Yoga Trip
Yoga for Scuba Divers Book: Now available! Yoga for Scuba Divers teaches you poses, breathing exercises, visualization techniques, and yoga lifestyle principles that combine to make you a better diver. By practicing the yoga poses in this book you can: improve your balance and stability, build core strength to protect your back when carrying tanks and weights, build abdominal control to fine-tune your buoyancy, strengthen your legs for those fun walks down to the water in full gear, and develop powerful muscles that improve your finning. The breathing exercises will teach you to breathe steadily during physical exertion, which will keep you calm and rational under water. The visualization techniques will help you prepare mentally for dive challenges. You will also learn yoga principles, such as non-violence, and how they apply to scuba divers. All of the poses in Yoga for Scuba Divers are practiced on land, not in the water. See more about Yoga for Scuba Divers book including inside pages. Scuba Diving and Yoga Adventure -- March 7 - 14, 2009 in Dominica. Our trip was glorious. Read all about it in our trip recap. We are currently planning a trip for 2011 in Belize or Costa Rica. Contact Kimberlee at DoYoga@8thElementYoga.com for suggested locations and dates, or sign up for our mailing list to be notified when we have everything confirmed. In this workshop, you will learn simple yoga practices you can do on land to improve your diving. Here’s what’s in it for you:
Beginners are welcome: This workshop benefits both beginners and advanced practitioners. This is an excellent chance to learn more about yoga if you are a diver and are interested in discovering what yoga has to offer you. What to bring: Please wear comfortable non-binding clothing. Workout clothes are great - no belts please. Please bring a water bottle and a towel with you. Mats and other props will be provided. Mats are available for purchase for $16. You may want to bring a pen to take notes. Handouts and will be provided. Your instructors: Todd Stedl is an Open Water Scuba Instructor certified through the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). He has been a dive professional since 2002, assisting as a divemaster for numerous instructors before becoming an instructor himself and establishing 8th Element Diving (www.8thElementDiving.com). Todd is an avid Puget Sound diver who enjoys tropical diving and is now discovering the world of alpine lake and river diving. He is also a regular yoga practitioner and was surprised to discover how much practicing yoga improved his scuba diving. Todd holds a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Washington and has been a professional writer since 2000. Together, Kimberlee and Todd have led workshops in the Seattle area that teach yoga for scuba divers. This Yoga for Scuba Divers book represents the fusion of their passions and their knowledge. And yes, they are happily married as well. Presented by 8th Element Yoga and 8th Element Diving Mailing list: Please join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on the when and where of this workshop and to get information about our book release. Workshop policy: If you register for a workshop and find out that you cannot attend yourself, you are welcome to sell your spot to someone else. Just let us know by E-mail or phone who will be your replacement and we will honor your registration for them. In the press: Yoga for Scuba Divers workshop was featured in the November 2005 issue of NW Dive News and Yoga for Scuba Divers book was featured in the the November 2007 issue of Dive Training Magazine. We would love to come present this 3-hour workshop for your dive club. Please contact us at DoYoga@8thElementYoga.com to arrange it. Free brochure on how yoga can help your scuba diving We're offering a free brochure on how yoga can help your scuba diving, including special tips on improving your surface air consumption (SAC) rate. Please send us your name and address and we will mail one to you right away. E-mail DoYoga@8thElementYoga.com.
© 2007 - 2015 8th Element Yoga, a division of 8th Element Recreation LLC Punk Rock Yoga® and Shake Rattle & Pose® are registered trademarks. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Photos by Alex Crick, Christopher Williams and Todd Stedl. All rights reserved. Web site design by Kimberlee Jensen Stedl. |